X-rays are crucial in diagnosing conditions affecting a dog's bones and internal organs. In this blog, our veterinarians in Stanwood will discuss dog X-ray procedures and outline what you can anticipate.

X-Rays for Your Dog

In both human and veterinary healthcare, X-rays represent one of the most frequently used and helpful diagnostic tools. X-rays enable us to assess your dog's internal systems and reveal information that may not be visible to the naked eye.

X-rays have the capability to detect pregnancy, broken bones, tumors, enlarged organs, foreign objects, and more. In situations where a comprehensive view of tissues, ligaments, and organs cannot be achieved with X-ray technology, other diagnostic imaging techniques, such as MRI and ultrasound, may prove to be more beneficial.

Preparing for Your Dog's X-Ray Appointment

When you bring your animal to the vet to address an issue or for another diagnostic test, the vet often performs an X-ray. No specific preparation is necessary for this procedure. Your vet will examine your pet and, if an X-ray is necessary, will take the time to explain the procedure and the intended diagnostic focus.


In certain situations, clear X-rays may require sedation. Sedation may be unnecessary if your dog remains calm, experiences minimal pain, and can comfortably lie down while the vet takes the X-ray.

However, if your dog is in pain, anxious, or refuses to settle down, your vet will recommend sedation. Additionally, if your vet requires your pet's muscles to be relaxed for a clear image, sedation may also be suggested.

Safety of X-Rays for Dogs

Radiography, a safe, painless, and non-invasive procedure, employs only very low doses of radiation. The low level of radiation required for X-rays ensures safety, even for pregnant dogs.

If you have concerns about X-ray usage or the need for sedation, consult your veterinarian.

They will provide insight into the risks and benefits specific to your dog's situation, enabling you to decide whether to proceed with the procedure.

Cost of a Dog X-Ray

A wide range of factors go into determining the cost of your dog's X-rays, including the area being X-rayed, your dog's size, if sedation was used, your location, the vet you are seeing, and more. Your vet can provide you with an estimate for the X-ray cost before proceeding with the procedure.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. Please make an appointment with your vet to accurately diagnose your pet's condition.

Want to learn more about X-rays for dogs? Contact our Stanwood vets for more information.