How Long Does Spaying Take?

Preventing unwanted litters of kittens or puppies and deterring unwanted behaviors are just a few of the benefits of spaying your female pet. Additionally, this procedure can provide protection from certain types of cancer. Our vets at Stanwood are here to provide more information about the spaying process.

What Is Spaying?

An ovariohysterectomy, more commonly known as a spay procedure, is a surgical procedure to remove the female reproductive organs (the two ovaries, the uterine horns, and the body of the uterus.)

Benefits Of Spaying

When you have your pet spayed, you can prevent the occurrence of unwanted litters of kittens or puppies. This is particularly crucial for female cats that spend time outdoors since they can become pregnant early and are at high risk of pregnancy. Moreover, spaying your pet can decrease the likelihood of developing diseases affecting the female reproductive system.

Through the spay procedure, the possibility of severe infections like pyometra is eliminated, and research suggests that pets spayed at a young age have a lower risk of developing breast cancer in later years.

The Spay Procedure 

Before the surgery begins, your vet will run the appropriate diagnostic tests to ensure your pet is healthy enough to safely go under for the operation. Spay procedures are carried out under general anesthesia.

After administering anesthesia, your pet's abdominal hair will be shaved and their skin will be disinfected thoroughly. The organs will then be extracted either through laparoscopy, using surgical lasers, or with a conventional scalpel. Both techniques are safe.

After the process is finished, your pet's skin will be sealed shut using surgical staples, sutures (stitches), or skin glue. Your veterinarian will need to remove the stitches or staples 10 to 14 days after the operation.

How Long Does Spaying Take?

The duration of the procedure may vary depending on your pet's size and any medical needs, typically ranging from 20 to 90 minutes. For older pets or larger dogs, the procedure may take longer and require two surgeons.

While the actual procedure is quick, your pet will need to stay at the hospital for a few hours for check-in, a physical assessment, the surgery, and recovery from anesthesia.

Recovery After Spaying Surgery

After undergoing surgery, it usually takes between 10 to 14 days for pets to fully recover, although they may start feeling better within 24 - 48 hours. During this period, it's essential to keep your furry friend calm and prevent them from jumping as it could cause the incision to reopen. Make sure to inspect the incision daily for signs of infection, such as redness, discharge, swelling, or a foul smell. If you observe any of these symptoms, promptly consult your veterinarian.

You should also monitor your pet's behavior. If after 48 hours they still seem lethargic or are not eating or drinking it could be a sign of infection. Follow up with your veterinarian or bring them to an emergency veterinarian for care.

Note: The advice provided in this post is intended for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice regarding pets. For an accurate diagnosis of your pet's condition, please make an appointment with your vet.

Are you considering spaying your cat or dog? Please contact our Stanwood veterinarians to find out how you can help protect your pet's health!